In Pakistan almost all telecommunication companies provide GPRS support. Following is procedure to activate UFone GPRS on your new cell phone. Assuming that your SIM (Subscriber identification Module) has GPRS activated on it. If it is not the case then first you have to activate GPRS for your SIM. This can be carried out by talking to help line on 333 or visit UFone franchise near you.
Once you get GPRS activated on your SIM now just sms your phone name and model on 222.
e.g for Samsung model D900
just type
Samsung D900
in your sms pane and send it to 222. Within some time you will get some settings through SMS with install option. Install these settings. These will configure your GPRS, MMS gate ways, DNS and IDs. Password for these installations will be provided to you through SMS. These settings are provided free of charge. And if in future you again change your cell phone. Same procedure will be required to repet again.
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