Saturday, March 21, 2009

Efficiency and resource enigma

I have found a wonderful show with a description and analysis of stretigies placed for efficiency aquirement.
Please download the file to ponder and enjoy. Download The Ant.pps

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

X Letters wrord

The most selfish 1 letter word
avoid it

The most satisfactory 2 letters word
user it

The most poisonous 3 letters word
Kill it

Most used 4 letters word
Do it

Most pleasing 5 letters word
Keep it

Shamshir o sanan awal, taoos o rubab akhir

Recently i got this writing snap in my mail box. Apart from the authenticity of quote from Israel Prime minister, no one can deny the historic facts mentioned about prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him and destruction of Baghdad. Its ponder able