Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Concerts in educational institutes

Few days back Punjab Assembly passed a resolution and banned the music concerts in its educational institutes. Apparently it was aftermath of incident in Atif Aslam's concert, which claimed three lives and left several injured. This specific concert was organized by Punjab Group of Colleges at Al-Hamra Cultural Complex. Any how keeping in view the trends associated with majority of Pakistani citizens, no major campaign was being expected against this resolution. One can easily find that an over whelming portion of middle class does not like such music activities for their children.
However i was astonished to watch the wind that various channels propagated against this resolution. Anchors and news persons immediately took some music related personalities online. Obviously music related personalities condemn the Punjab Govt act and declared it very harmful for peaceful society. Few politicians were also taken online and were badly depressed by media persons.
No one bothered to consult the public opinion or religious concerns. Media made his move and it was successfully deceived that Punjab Assembly banned the cultural activities and performed a very harmful act against social liberties.
Politicians became very much under pressure and another resolution was passed rejecting their prior view. It is a very shameful act of Pakistani media that they misguided the law makers against the public opinion. If there should be concerts in educational institutes then why not in hospitals, parliament, courts, prisons, nuclear installations, GHQ, air bases, naval fleets and even in homes. If it is our culture then let it flourish every where.
In fact it is part of an effort to impose and insert the music in our culture. Such music is not culture of people of Pakistan. It may culture of a minority that is being imposed on whole nation. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Then What?

Magic of Imran Khan and Tehreek-e-Insaf is high and prevailed now a days. Student circles look dominant with PTI supporters and those who are not fully convinced are excited to test it in coming time. Palmist and predictioners willingly or unwillingly paved the grounds for PTI popularity. Such personalities along with columnists and media persons are continuously issuing statements about near future elite status of Pakistan. They are predicting about a new leadership allied with some very honest and trust worthy team and together they would take the Pakistan to a new era of success and honor in the world. Such prophecies are backed with  prophecies by famous saints of past. 
I am an optimistic individual and like every one i turn to such prophecies and predictions that are related to a happy and honorable Pakistan. However i have some solid views that are required to be satisfied. 
As long as Imran Khan is concerned, let us assume he may be like many other leaders who came in our country in past and were very loyal to Pakistan. We can start by Quaid-e-Azam himself then Liaqat Ali Khan, ZA Bhutto, Asghar Khan and may be some others. All these that i mentioned were true leaders and were very loyal to Pakistan but no one was able to lead our country out of where we are in today. 
In case of Imran Khan, the morally and financially corrupt team around him is not capable of leading the Pakistan to a better future. His prominent corrupt team members are Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Khurshid Mehmood Qasuri and a famous singer and corrupt social worker Abrar ul Haq. Who the hell these people are who claim to lead our honorable nation? And even if Khan successfully filters out the sub standard members of his team even then he would not allowed to act freely in satanic democratic system. He would get indulged in complicated rules of bureaucracy and number games of politics. And last option is always there to eliminate him from the scene like other leaders those i mentioned above.
So i think the real concern should be change of system rather than change of faces. The satanic, corrupt and exploitery system of democracy should be thrown out of Pakistan and a system should be configured which should strictly follow the frame work of Islam. This is our only way out and those who work for it would lead the Pakistan to her elite destiny.