1. If you are sending an email to multiple people, put their email addresses in the BCC field and your own email address in the To: field. No one likes to share their private email address with strangers.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Email etiquettes
1. If you are sending an email to multiple people, put their email addresses in the BCC field and your own email address in the To: field. No one likes to share their private email address with strangers.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
What should we do For Age of Pugnacity

click on urdu text in image to enlarge it
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Letter to bill gates
This letter is from Banta Singh from Punjab. We have bought acomputer for our home and we encountered some problems, which I want to bring toyour notice.
1. After connecting to internet we planned to open e-mail account and whenever we fill the form in Hotmail in the password column, only ****** appears, but in the rest of the fields whatever we typed appears, but we face this problem only in password field. We checked with hardware vendor Santa Singh and he said that there is no problem in keyboard. Because of this we open the e-mail account with password *****. I request you to check this as we ourselves do not know what thepassword is.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sale of devil's tools
They were a treacherous lot of implements... Hatred, Envy, Jealousy, Deceit, Lying, Pride, and so on.
Laid apart from the rest was a harmless looking tool, that appeared to have been heavily used, and was priced very high.
"What is the name of this tool?" asked one of the purchasers, pointing to it. "That is Disappointment," replied the devil.
"Why have you priced it so high?"
"Because it is more useful to me than all the others. I can pry open and get inside people's hearts with that when I cannot get near them with my other tools. Once I get inside, I can make them do what I choose. It is badly worn because I use it on almost everyone, since very few people know that it belongs to me."
Never get disappointed! Keep your head up keep the faith!
10 ways to improve your office etiquette
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
And now also care ringtone manners
Imagine that you are on your own or some one else marriage ceremony and a very desperate or sad ring tone is sung by your mobile. As a result every one will notice it and will convey unsaid messages.
Similarly if you are with a patient or on a funeral and a ring tone of pop, rock or bhangra category comes out of your cell. It will be a critical situation.
Similarly some old people who may not operate the mobile well, feel nervous when a tone of latest song comes out of their cell phone. And of course that very tone is set by one of their grandchildren or some other beloved child.
Situation becomes more worst when loud ring tone is heard during prayers.
So along with mobile manners we have to add ring tone manners also. Choose ring tone according to your age, environment and situation.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Reciting holy Quraan without understanding
This is a beautiful story.
An old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Quraan. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.
One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa ! I try to read the Quraan just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book.
What good does reading the Quraan do?"
Life is a gift
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hackers hit white house email archive
The quoted source said each time the attack was detected, new defenses were put in place: "It is constant cat and mouse."
Overall, the attackers apparently only had access to the unclassified White House computer network. Nonetheless, the data could still have value.
The unnamed official quoted within the report speculated that the cyberattacks might follow the "grain of sands" approach allegedly used by Chinese intelligence. That involves parsing through often low-level information to find a few nuggets.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Rock eating bateria
Clonning of frozen mice
"We have demonstrated that even frozen animal tissue can be used to produce clones," said Teruhiko Wakayama, a geneticist at the Riken Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, Japan.
For their cloning process, Wakayama and his colleagues drew dead brain and blood cells from the frozen mice. The researchers injected the nuclei from the dead cells directly into unfertilized mouse eggs, creating embryos.
is oldest Hebrew Text Is Evidence for Bible Stories?
Aur hadian wahan tootean, jahan hospital band tha
Jis ambulance mein dala, us ka petrol kam tha
rikshay mein bithaya, k us ka karaya kam tha
Doctor nein uthaya, nars mein kahan dam tha
jis bed pay litaya, us kay neechay bum tha
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
pakistani politicians mapped
- Agar pakistan kay awam mein aqal hoti to?
- Qazi hussain ahmed peshawar mein pista bechta
- Chaudri behansoan ka dhood bechtay
- Fazal ur rehman kisi school ka chokidar hota
- Sheikh rasheed muree pindi bus ka condector hota
- Nawaz shareef branderth road par loha bechta
- zardari nawabshah kay jangloan mein oont charata
- Mush rifle lai kay national bank ka guard bana hota
- Altaf bhai kisi bus mein manjan bechta
Animal species near to extinction according to Red List 2008 of Threatened Species
There are 44,838 species on the 2008 Red List, compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Thirty-eight percent of Red List species are close to extinction, with 25 percent of all mammals on the verge of oblivion. The Red List is an annual "health check of the planet.
For the 2008 list, for the first time, every known amphibian, mammal, and bird was assessed.Species unlucky enough to make the list are grouped into eight categories, from "least concern" (low risk of extinction) to "critically endangered" (extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the near term).
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Earthwatch® Fellowships
Red flags you may unintentionally be giving off in interviews
Dwelling on your certifications
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Grey Wolf in snow
Lion rides horse

A lion rides a horse in a circus show as part of celebrations to mark National Day, the 59th anniversary of the founding of communist China.
The circus is one of many events held during the week-long holiday, which has seen millions of people flooding China's tourist destinations, according to the Xinhua news agency.
Cable Stayed bridge

Opening ceremonies are held on the newly constructed Megyeri Bridge, which crosses the Danube between Buda and Pest, the west and east sides of Budapest.
The cable-stayed bridge, which spans 6,109 feet (1,862 meters), is part of a ring road, the MO, north of the Hungarian capital. It is expected to reduce traffic on the Aprad bridge by 20 percent, according to the Budapest Times.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Android will ship with a set of core applications including an email client, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser, contacts, and others. All applications are written using the Java programming language.
Video glasses: the long transition from sci-fi to reality
Video glasses are one potential solution, and judging from the evidence on display at CES this year it won’t be long before they provide an inconspicuous, comfortable way of watching TV and DVD while on the go.
Previous attempts have generally been bulky, odd-looking and the picture size and quality has been little better than you would get from a mobile phone. The Lumus glasses pictured above are not exactly indistinguishable from standard shades, but you wouldn’t get laughed at on the train.
How to guard against ID fraud threat
Despite the Revenue’s huge blunder in losing millions of our personal details, there are still ways that families can protect themselves. Millions of families have been put on red alert against the risk of identity fraud after tax officials lost the personal details of 25m people.Europe’s biggest loss of confidential information sparked a nationwide search for two computer discs containing the addresses, National Insurance numbers, bank account numbers, and sort codes, of families receiving child benefit.There are fears the details, lost by Revenue & Customs, could be a goldmine if they fall into the hands of criminal gangs. Fraudsters could use the information to steal people’s identities, open bank accounts and take out loans or credit cards in their name.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
best practice when editing an e-mail before replying
Tips on how to delete an item permanently, useful websites and e-mail etiquette
Windows: to delete an item permanently (eg, file), use Shift + Delete (bypassing the Recycle Bin).Outlook: when setting the date for the current month, just type in the date and Outlook will automatically do the rest. Eg, to make an appointment for August 20 just type 20 in the date section of the start time and Outlook will set it as Mon 20/08/2007 (or whatever is your preferred format).
Inbox stress
Ten simple steps to remaining calm and in control of your e-mail
Over the past few weeks there have been studies showing how stressed many people have become by the daily barrage of e-mails. Often, as my own study found, this stress is self-inflicted by a tendency towards e-mail addiction.
When our own Dr Thomas Stuttaford succumbed and threw his hand in the air, it prompted me to look again at how you can reduce e-mail stress. As he said in his artcle, How strangers cause us stress: “Stress is reduced when someone is master of their own fate” — something many feel is impossible with e-mail.
But is it? Here are ten ways to control your inbox. The key is to be utterly ruthless about what you send and receive, and prioritise how you spend your time at the inbox.
EMail Horror stories
E-mail can be a very efficient way of distributing information but mistakes can be embarrassing, if not disastrous
As Hallowe’en approaches here are the top five e-mail horror stories we have seen and the ways to avoid them happening to you.
Telling all your resellers and partners who they are competing against
An organisation sent out product information and put everyone’s names in the “Cc” box. The address list took up most of the e-mail but the company also revealed all their partners to each other.
The moral: create a group list or use “Bcc” for the names.
A client who preaches sustainability and efficiency and sent nine attachments amounting to 11MB
There were no instructions about what to do with them and much of the information was available on their website.
The moral: send a link rather than the entire file.
MS Word — Top Ten tips
Useful tips and tricks that will make working with Word documents quicker and easier. Here are the main features of Word that can be used to save time:
1 Inserting the file path name in the footer: go to View/Headers and Footers/Insert AutoText menu, clicking on the down arrow of that box.
2 Use AutoText to enter a frequently used phrase or insert an object, eg, a logo: Insert/AutoText, highlight the text/object, then select AutoText. Type the keyword that you will use for this to appear, and select the “Add”’ button (or type Alt+F3). To insert, go to Insert/AutoText and pick the word from the dropdown list, or choose AutoText and pick from the whole list.
3 Formula — to add to columns in a table. With the cursor in the bottom cell of the columns (or row), click on Table/Formula.
MS PowerPoint — Top Ten tips
Hot tips to ensure that your next visual presentation is slick, dynamic and has real impact
1. Slide design
Find the most appealing template — http://www.freeppttemplates.com
2. Slide Master
Format the whole presentation: View/Master/Slide Master or hold down the shift key as you hover over the mini-icons at the bottom left and click on the Normal view which becomes the slide master view.
3. WordArt
To jazz up the text boxes (eg, straplines).
5. Outline view
To produce a single slide that contains a summary of titles of the key slides, switch to the Slide sorter view (View/Slide sorter) and hold down the Ctrl key and select the key slides. From the Slide Sorter toolbar click Summary Slide.
How to write a CV
Make sure your CV makes a good first impression
YOU know that you're a star but without a knock-out CV no-one else will believe you. Here’s how to impress and write yourself into a better job.
1. The nuts and bolts. The edited highlights of your working life should be no more than two pages long, says Andy Sharman, the head of recruitment for UK and Ireland at Procter & Gamble. “Less than two (full) pages suggests that you don’t have enough experience,” he says. Acceptable cheats include easy-on-the-eye spacing and increasing the font size.
2. Avoid vague statements. “Quite often people start with a profile — a short statement setting out who they are — but we see an awful lot that fall into generic phrases,” says Lorna Froud, the head of careers at Oxford Brookes University. “ ‘I am an excellent team worker’ is meaningless without evidence to back it up.”
3. Be concise. “It’s not War and Peace,” says Steven Kirkpatrick, the managing director of Adecco Staffing. Recruiters who have to plough through hundreds of CVs don’t enjoy flowery prose. Use active verbs and bullet points to ensure that every sentence counts.
How to change career
Most of us gaze in wonder at those bold souls who leap from career to career, but it’s not as difficult as it appears
As the career ch

1. Is it just a rut? Put things into perspective, says Catherine Roan, the managing director of Careershifters.org. The right job might be the one you’re in. “People come to a workshop and say, ‘Gosh, I’ve actually got a really good job’. It’s easy to get frustrated with politics or parts you don’t like.” You might need to address aspects of your work and not your whole career.
How to get a promotion
Knowing where you want to go and being flexible about getting there will serve you better than blind ambition
There’s more to a job than a 12-line description, Simon Copeman, the acquisition and alliance manager at 3M UK and Ireland, says. “I’m looking [to promote] someone who does a pretty good job... but also someone who comes up with solutions. Someone who has taken the initiative within their current role [and] has managed new experiences outside the strict job description.”
How to get a pay rise
If you’re working your socks off and still being paid peanuts it’s time to take the bull by the horns and get negotiating
Colleagues call you ace, you always look busy and the chief executive knows who you are thanks to some smart mo
1. The bottom line.
“You have to know why you think that you are worth that much – however much you’re asking for,” says Professor Binna Kandola, a senior partner at Pearn Kandola, a business psychology firm. Then ask yourself why you are worth that much to your boss. Addressing the issue from his or her perspective will allow you to formulate a more persuasive pitch.
2. Do your homework.
It’s important to understand what the salary norms are for the job role and industry that you are working in, says Jo Causon, director of marketing and corporate affairs at the Chartered Management Institute. This means comparing roles and activities, not job titles within the company, she says. “There’s no reason why you cannot ask your HR department ‘how is my role benchmarked?’ ”
Produce lacking factor policy
As an example I would like to mention the case that he produced in Saudia. There he observed that most Saudi class around him was with smart hair cut. They were not use to adopt a hair style with long hears. So policy creator adopted a long hair style and produced a significant effect on community there.
Show expectation/put responsibility policy
It is a wonder full policy for achieve an objective from some one. The some one may be your subordinate, officer, your child, brother/sister or a public dealing person in an office. Mostly may be the case that the subject will not carry out the job that u want but surely he will not go totally against it. And will support a little.
I will give an example that in a public dealing office, if u got some problem there. Then you may go to a responsible person and ask him that u want his guideline to solve the problem. Once he will feel that u expect from him to help u, he will get involved and will play a good role to solve the problem.
In my class while in school I often observed that many lacking behind students produced good results when teachers showed expectations from him.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
World biggest polished diamond

i know i will never hear the dukhi atma saying that ..

I know i will never hear Mr. zardari saying that i did a mistake. What a confused and dispersed personality he is. Simple is that he has no regards of his values and his own personality. Asking for BB's investigation in UNO at one side and lightly flirting with an important leader there before media, are two different behaviors. Only indicates his dual thinking. We all are ashamed of being the citizens of a country whose president is Mr. Zardari.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Do nots at your initial interview for job
How many vacation days would I get? If you’re already thinking about time off and you haven’t even gotten the job yet, then what does that say about your work ethic? True, benefits like vacation days play a very important part in the worth of a job, but this first interview is not the place to ask. Wait until a second or third interview, or when the actual job offer comes, to ask.
Do you require overtime? Same with this question. It’s absolutely valid, but hold the question until later. Instead, ask “What’s an average day like here?”
What kind of health benefits do you have? Again, getting the answer to this question is a must, just not at this time. If you ask it in the initial interview, not only are you implying that you would settle for any job as long as your next root canal was covered, but some companies don’t even like to release that information until they have a serious candidate.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Neck Exercises
The neck is important for two main reasons. Firstly, since the nerves from the neck go to the eyes, ears and brain, a spinal misalignment in the neck can cause vision and hearing problems, as well as problems such as headaches and poor sleep. Secondly, since major blood vessels pass through the neck to the brain, a neck misalignment can put pressure on the blood vessels and reduce the blood flow to the brain. This is a very common cause of chronic fatigue.
Learning to Breathe Correctly
In Yoga deep breathing, you start filling the lower part of the lungs first, then you fill the middle and upper part. When exhaling you first empty the upper part of the lungs, then the middle, and last of all the lower part.
This process, however, is not divided into three separate actions. Inhalation is done in one smooth continuous flow just as one might pour water in filling a glass. First the bottom is filled, then the middle, and finally the upper portion. But the process itself is an uninterrupted one. Inhalation should be done in one continuous operation both the inhalation and the exhalation. Do it slowly and in a most relaxed manner. No effort or strain should ever be exerted. This is very important. Keep mouth closed.
Eye Exercises
Traditional Breathing Techniques
The Complete Breath
Most of us use three or four kinds of breathing. These may be called high, low and middle breathing and complete breathing. The complete breath is a combination of high breathing, mid breathing and low breathing.
A Breathing Exercise for Good Posture
Stand straight with feet together. Put your hands behind your back and interlock the fingers, palms upward. Now turn the palms down. This will automatically give a twisting movement to your elbows.
Inhale deeply, then bend forward, while exhaling, at the same time raising the arms until they are stretched out. Do not bend the elbows, which should remain straight throughout. Keep your head down, trying all the while to swing your arms a bit higher and higher.
Remain a moment in this position, holding your breath; then slowly return to the standing position without unlocking your fingers. Repeat the whole exercise two or three times.
Another version is done in a kneeling position. The procedure is the same, except that here you bend over until your forehead touches the floor.
How to lose money without even trying
Just how grim are the prospects? Consider the Napster transaction from earlier this week. The struggling online music store was sold for less money than it brought in last year. For those keeping score, Napster's full-year fiscal 2008 sales (ending 31 March) topped $127 million. It sold to American consumer electronics chain Best Buy for $121 million on Monday. Investors bailed on Napster long before management did; the company's market cap has remained well below sales for most of 2008 as sales continued to slip quarter after quarter.
Nokia takes on Apple with 'all you can eat' music
Nokia is aiming to take on the might of Apple's iPod by releasing a phone that will allow owners to download an unlimited amount of music for a fixed fee.
The world's largest handset manufacturer has signed a deal with Carphone Warehouse to distribute its new "Comes With Music" phone, which will give owners access to about 2.1 million music tracks and goes on sale in October.
Owners of the Nokia's new phone will be able to download an unlimited number of songs from the world's three largest record labels — Universal, Sony BMG and Warner — for a year. The music can be played on the customer's phone and computer.
Craigslist: a triumph of nerd values
Google co-founder Sergey Brin is pre-disposed to Parkinson's
Sergey Brin said he has a genetic mutation which increases his chances of contracting the degenerative disease
Sergey Brin, one of the co-founders of Google, has revealed that he has a genetic mutation which increases his chances of contracting Parkinson’s disease.
Writing on a personal blog that was launched yesterday, Mr Brin, 35, said he made the discovery following a genetic test.
He wrote: “The exact implications of this are not entirely clear,” but added: “Nonetheless it is clear that I have a markedly higher chance of developing Parkinson's in my lifetime than the average person.”
Parkinson’s diseases is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that impair functions such as speech and movement. Mr Brin said that studies have shown that his likelihood of contracting Parkinson’s disease in his lifetime may be 20 percent to 80 percent.
Google prepares to launch HTC Android phone
The long-awaited smart phone, called “G1”, will be manufactured by Taiwanese manufacturer HTC and will be available exclusively on T-Mobile in the UK.
The mobile, already dubbed the “G-phone,” will run on Android, Google’s new software for mobile phones. It will be launched in New York tomorrow afternoon, and will be available in the US next month. It is anticipated that the phone will be available in British stores by November.
The G1 is expected to cost about $199 (£108), which would be around the same cost as basic 8GB version of the iPho

Google, notoriously secretive about any of its new technology, is refusing to comment on the phone before its launch. But leaked photos and videos of the expected device, along with screenshots released by the search giant, show that the device is likely to have a touchscreen like the iPhone but also a slide-out Qwerty keyboard.
The phone is expected to have as built-in GPS (global positioning system), a tilt sensor for gaming, and a camera. It is thought it will be able to run Google's range of web applications, including Gmail, Google Docs and Google Maps, and will likely also feature Google's new web browser, Chrome.
How not to fight the US
A GPS to Augment Your Entire Reality
“Press F1 for help.” When you’re working in a computer program and you get stuck, you can press a button and a handy guide pops up alongside whatever you’re puzzling over to clue you in. Wouldn’t it be great if real life worked that way? Out on the town, you could look at a restaurant, press a button, and get advice on whether the staff is surly or what wine to order.
The Future Is Now for Rechargeable Laptop Batteries
A space-age battery is about to revolutionize portable computing.
You’re 35,000 feet up, a few hours into a cross-country airplane journey. Having dutifully worked on some office memos, you finally get around to watching the DVD of Murder on the Orient Express on your laptop. But just as Detective Poirot is revealing whodunit, the screen goes blank. Your laptop’s batteries have run out of juice.
It’s a common enough scenario because rechargeable battery technology has failed to keep pace with other improvements in computers. While the number of electricity-hungry transistors that can be squeezed onto a silicon chip has doubled about every two years over the past few decades, it took more than 20 years (from 1970 to 1990) to double the amount of energy that rechargeable batteries can store per pound.
Now portable-energy start-up ZPower aims to strike a blow for frustrated laptop owners everywhere with a rechargeable battery that the company claims will offer 20 to 40 percent more computer time per charge than do the current champs of rechargeable technology, lithium-ion batteries. ZPower’s batteries also offer the advantage of being immune to “exothermic decomposition” (also known as “bursting into flames”), a problem that has prompted the recall of millions of lithium-ion batteries worldwide, not to mention some spectacular YouTube videos.
ZPower’s batteries use silver- and zinc-based electrodes. Silver-zinc batteries are not technically new; because they are so good at storing electricity, they were used in NASA’s Apollo spacecraft of the 1960s and 1970s. The technology wasn’t widely adopted back then because those silver-zinc batteries could be charged only a few times before they stopped working—not a problem for a 10-day mission to the moon, but a real deal breaker for mobile electronics.
ZPower has made improvements that allow its silver-zinc batteries to be recharged as often as lithium-ion batteries. And when the batteries do reach the end of their useful life, the silver and zinc can easily be recovered and recycled into new batteries, reducing environmental impact. On the downside, the batteries operate at a voltage different from that of lithium-ion batteries, meaning that laptop makers have to tweak their computers to work with the new batteries. ZPower is collaborating with computer component suppliers to develop laptop power systems that can handle both lithium-ion and silver-zinc batteries and says the first silver-zinc battery–powered laptop is due out in early 2009.
How It Works
One big problem with traditional silver-zinc batteries is that as each cell is drained and recharged, zinc dendrites (shown as irregular objects in the diagram above) can form within the zinc anode (shown in green). These dendrites can distort the shape of the anode and can migrate through it, eventually piercing the membrane (yellow) that separates the zinc anode from the silver cathode (not shown, for clarity). If the membrane is pierced, the cell will short-circuit and die. To solve this problem, ZPower introduced polymers (shown as red balls) into the zinc anode. The polymers inhibit dendrites from growing and block their migration inside the anode, reducing the likelihood that the membrane will be pierced.