Graphic designer Joshua Lurie-Terrell, described himself as an easy going person. That is, he did until the market started tanking and he and his wife lost half of their retirement savings. "I never let stress run my life before. But ever since money got tight, I've found that I'm a prisoner to it," he says. He worries that if he fills up the gas tank, he won't be able to afford the movies on the weekend, or if he keeps paying for health insurance, he won't be able to get his wife the birthday present she wants.
But then this past spring, the 37 year old suffered a heart attack, even though he had no
warning signs or risks. His doctors point to stress as a major contributing factor.
"I feel like I'm a completely different person than I was," he added.
Money is a leading source of stress for majority people, research tells. 73 percent of the respondents cited money as a significant source of stress in their lives. Today, more than three out of every four families are in debt, according to the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances.
Study reveals that debt related stress is 14 percent higher in 2008 than in 2004. Those who report high levels of debt stress suffer from a range of stress related illnesses including ulcers, migraines, back pain, anxiety, depression, and heart attacks.
With fuel and food prices on the rise and the economic crunch targeting more the people. This is a critical time to examine these serious health concerns and stress management.
The debt-stress connection: Fighting the saber-tooth tiger, there's a general reaction to stress that's been a part of our genetic makeup from the time we were cavemen, says Jay Winner, MD.
Winner is author of 'Take the Stress Out of Your Life'. Back then, when a saber-tooth tiger appeared, your heart would race, your pupils would dilate, and your body would release stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. That way, you'd be able to fight the saber-tooth tiger or run.
The stress may be correlated with physical symptoms like heartburn, headaches, and abdominal pains. "If you have a knot in your stomach all the time or if you're feeling anxious and worried a lot of the time, that would be an area of concern," he says. "These are signs that stress is starting to take a toll and you should give it more attention than the average person."
Frustrated designer Lurie-Terrell lies staring at the ceiling for hours or wakes up in the middle of the night worrying about his savings. It's a vicious cycle, if you're aware that you're stressed out, that makes you even more stressed out because you don't have any control over it.
There's so much information on how bad the economy is that it heightens people's anxiety. And that anxiety prevents people from being able to fall asleep.
One may be working really hard throughout the day and by the time you get into bed; it's the
first chance one had to think about the day. And one's brain starts going and going. People basically stressed because they're so worried about paying the mortgage and bills. While they may be physically tired and sleep deprived, the constant worry actually prevents them from being able to sleep.
Once a person starts worrying about something that is emotionally charged, it causes autonomic arousal, which can affect everything from muscle tension to anxiety. Studies have shown that it takes longer to heal when you're sleep deprived. Your reaction time, thinking, and creativity are slowed, so everything can be affected by sleep deprivation.
Debt or money is such a pervasive and difficult kind of stress because it's so interconnected with other areas of our lives, says Kelly McGonigal, Psychologist and Researcher at Stanford University. "Basically, it invades your home, your work, what you're able to provide for your family and your fantasies for the future. There are studies that show it's not how much money you owe that predicts depression and health problems. It is how much you worry about it," he added. Because you're not the only person going through this; talk to people you care about to take away the sense of stigma and shame. When people are in debt or worried about losing their home or job, often they will try to hide it for a long time. A huge thing with money is the stigma. In this culture, that's a huge part of identity what we own, where we live, what we do.
There's a huge difference between active coping and comfort coping. "Don't fall into the trap of feeling better immediately instead of doing something that's a little bit uncomfortable now. Sit down, get the information, and make a plan. And be an active coper. That way, you'll feel you're in control of the situation and a sense of control shuts down the whole stress process," he suggested.
Here's advice from the experts on how to actively cope with your situation:
* Put things into perspective by asking yourself; what's the worst that would happen? Yes, you may have to move or shelve your credit cards for the time being. "You may have to make a significant lifestyle change," says Winner. "But it's not life threatening. Sometimes we act like there is a saber-tooth tiger with his jaws right around our heads."
* Keep a worry journal. Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. On the left side, write down all the things you're worried about. On the right side, write down one solution. Do it for 10 minutes and when you fold the paper in half, close it in your mind.
* Take the necessary steps for smart financial planning. Opt out of new credit cards. Organise your financial records, pull your annual credit report, and make a plan with an advisor or your partner to transform your financial life. The number one benefit to having zero debt is your financial piece of mind. It diminishes the stress, worry, and anxiety. You will have the freedom to do other things in your life.
By Jennifer Soong
By Jennifer Soong
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