Thursday, June 24, 2010

Nadeem F. Parachoaf, a confused mind of Pakistan

After watching this confused Nadeem F. Parachoaf in "News, Views and Confused", i read several of his blogs and columns in daily English dawn. I mostly enjoyed his critics on values and conservations in society. With the passage of time a common resemblance emerged in dominant number of his writings. He always get a religious or cultural issue to make mock of. Along with criticizing the religious scholars he also looks of the vision to ban the freedom of thinking and expression for religious mind people.
Starting from Kabul American School in Afghanistan and Karachi Grammar School, this direction less mind has blames to be anarchist and drug promoter. Later he joined PSF as suitable to his political family background. With no direction and polished English, it is his first priority to criticize any religious belief of individuals or organizations. His columns are full of reviews and commentaries on issues for which he is not eligible to write.
Poor soul he born in a society where he gets uncomfortable and trying to make changes that are never going to happen.
Parachoaf on Wikipedia
Columns in Dawn

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